Why I need to use Windows 7 Professional

Here at the old iceflatline compound there are a lot of Windows desktops running. Enough to where I actually looked into volume licensing at one point. I’m able to access all of these machines from the comfort of wherever I happen to be. Sure I could, and even may, switch some of these over to *nux, but last I checked, I wasn’t going to be able to count on playing, say, Dragon Age or Mass Effect on Ubuntu, or whatever, any time soon (so sad).

Imagine then how pleased I was when a Redmond announced their “family pack” option for Windows 7, which will allow users to upgrade three PCs to the Home Premium edition of the operating system for $149. Great I thought, when I get around to upgrading these machines, I’m going to save a ton of scratch, right? Then something in the back of my mind said hold on minute, what features might you be giving up? The answer: Remote Desktop. This feature is not available in home premium, only in Windows 7 versions starting with Professional. Oh sure you can access another Windows desktop (assuming it is using XP pro or Vista/Win 7 Pro and above) using Home Premium, but you won’t be able to access a Home Premium install remotely. Would it have killed them to put that feature in Home Premium making it…um… premium?


  1. I have been using windows xp for almost 10 years. Xp is a bit old and I think it is time to upgrade to windows 7. Hope windows 7 is not another version of “Me”. Anyway…thanks for sharing this blog. :)

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